What to do if you think you have been overpaid

Although a healthier bank balance is always nice, if there is an error in your payment, it's best we get it sorted sooner rather than later!

Overpayments are few and far between, but this can unfortunately happen from time to time. 

Things that can cause overpayments would typically be:


Incorrect Timesheet Hours 

This could have been a mistake from the client, or even on your own timesheet submission. If you notice incorrect hours have been paid, let our payroll team know and they will reach out to your agency to rectify this. 


Incorrect Rate of Pay 

If you have multiple rates of pay (overtime, for example) it is easy to enter hours against the wrong rates after a long week! This is usually picked up before payment by NASA or your agency, but if your hours and rates are not matching up with what you remember, let us know. 


Incorrect Tax Code / Basis 

If you have a different tax code to the norm, you'll be able to check this via HMRCs gateway service. It can happen if you have moved employment recently that we don't yet have the most up to date code for you. If something looks wrong, let us know and we'll be able to check. 


📨 payroll@nasagroup.co.uk